Designing a Health Practice with Feng Shui Health & Wellness, massage therapy, Massage PracticeUrban TherapeuticDecember 20, 2013feng shui, bruce bentley, health practice, massage therapyComment
Simple Vanilla Extract Health & Wellness, how to, RecipesUrban TherapeuticNovember 17, 2013holiday gift, how to, recipeComment
Stocking the Medicine Chest for Winter Health & WellnessUrban TherapeuticNovember 12, 2013natural remedies, cold and flu, common cold, Chinese Medicine, self careComment
Individual Therapy Practice on a Budget Massage PracticeUrban TherapeuticNovember 4, 2013massage therapy, massage practice, massage businessComment
Product for a Cause Health & WellnessUrban TherapeuticOctober 30, 2013casa, worry stones, therapy stones, holiday giftComment